6 Little Luxuries For The Home

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Sometimes staying at home can feel great.  Other times you feel like you’re missing out.  But, if you invest in your home experience and add a few little luxuries, you’ll find yourself wanting to stay home more often.

In this post, we’ll talk about 6 things you can easily add to your home to bring more comfort and luxury to your surroundings.

little luxuries

Why Going Out Feels Better Than Staying In

The biggest difference between experiencing things outside of your home and staying in is the attention to detail.  The places that feel better than being at home do this by attending to the details.

It’s the small things that make all the difference in your experience of the world around you.

Consider for a moment having dinner at your favorite steak house.  Imagine walking up to the entrance and having to yank open those huge oversized doors by yourself.  Versus, the feeling of being met at the door and it held open for you.

You don’t need anyone to open the door for you any more than you need someone to cook a steak for you.  It’s the experience of that dinner that you enjoy.

It’s the soft lighting, the heavy cutlery, the background music, etc.

Those types of details are easy to replicate in your home.  Moreover, they’re affordable and easily accessible via the 6 little luxuries I’ll mention below.

The trick is figuring out how to implement those things in a space that needs to balance many different functions.

little luxuries - dining out

How To Invest In Your Home Experience

You can easily invest in your home experience by mimicking the feeling of two “going out” experiences.  The first is hotel stays and the second is dining out at restaurants.

Borrowing from each of these things by purchasing a few little luxuries will change the way you feel about staying at home.

Let’s first take a look at why we enjoy these experiences so much.

Hotel Stays

A nice hotel room feels special because it’s clean, the towels are folded nicely, the bed is perfectly turned down, and it’s expertly lighted with wall sconces and floor lamps.

All of these things can be done very easily at home.  This is really just a matter of keeping your room free of clutter, putting away your laundry, and making your bed in the morning.

I dive deeper into this topic in the post “Want a Resort-Style Home? Makeover These Three Rooms“.

Even if you feel overwhelmed by these things on a day to day basis.  Take the time to do them when you want to spend the night at home instead of going out.


The second experience to replicate in your home is dining at a restaurant.  The food presentation, the lighting, and the glassware are a big part of what makes this experience feel good.

Luckily, you can replicate all of these details in your own home.

Sure you won’t have someone serving it to you.  But, you could have it cooked for you via delivery.  And instead of eating it directly from the styrofoam take out containers, re-plate it and use nice silverware.

hotel room

6 Little Luxuries For Your Home

Now let’s look at the 6 little luxuries that you can purchase for your home to help you recreate these experiences.

1. Fresh Flowers

By far, the easiest to implement is fresh flowers.  Place them in your bedroom, on your kitchen counter, in the bathroom, or in your entryway, or all four!

Flowers are a little luxury that most of us skip out on except for special occasions.  But, when it comes to how you experience a room, they can really set the mood.

They vary in type and color so much that you can easily find the right one for any occasion.  Flowers have the ability to uplift you, create a romantic atmosphere, or bring quiet sophistication to your space.

Restaurants and hotels now this.  That’s why you’ll often see them sprinkled throughout a hotel lobby or as a small centerpiece at a diner.

Best of all, you can find them at local grocery stores for a few dollars which makes them easily accessible.

little luxuries - fresh flowers

2. Coffee Station

Ahhh, the coffee station.  This is one of the things that I enjoy the most in my home, and mine isn’t even well designed.

It’s simply a designated area for all of the items needed to make a nice cup of coffee in the morning, or afternoon, or evening (we’re big coffee drinkers here).

Taking the time to lay it out beautifully is a bonus.  If you’re looking for a little coffee station inspiration, check out the post “7 DIY Coffee Station Ideas to Start Your Morning“.

By adding a coffee station to your kitchen you are recreating that self serve feeling of being in a hotel lobby, at Panera Bread, or any local coffee shop.

The key is to provide yourself with some fun options like flavored syrups, different blends, nice cups, flavored creamer, or cinnamon.

gold coffee mugs

3. Luxury Linens

There are a few things for the home that are worth the splurge and bedding are among them.  The reason why you sleep so well in a nice hotel is that they invest in premium mattresses, sheets, blankets, etc.

While we all know the benefits of restful sleep, linens are an item that we often skimp on.  This is because you can find stylish sheets, comforters, and duvets really inexpensively.

But, there are a few reasons why you should consider playing a little more.

First, of course, is comfort.  Higher thread counts and softer materials will cost you more.  Nice, woven blankets not only provide you with a nice textural element for your bedscape, but also are a hallmark of quality.

They will last you a very, very, long time if you treat them right.  Opposed to the 2 or 3 years that you’ll get out of cheap linens.

My mom has always told me to “buy good sheets” and over the years I’ve grown to see her wisdom.  Bedding is worth investing in if you want to improve the experience of your home, specifically, your bedroom.

Below are a few photos on the Boll and Branch Adirondack Bed Blanket in pewter.*  It’s lovely.

The pattern is clean and sophisticated.  And the tasseled ends provide a nice textural accent.

It’s also quite heavy.  If you like the idea of those weighted blankets but want more style in your bedding, consider something like this.

Here’s a link to their collection of quilts and blankets.

boll and branch adirondack bed blanket

Boll and Branch Adirondack Bed Blanket

4. Shower Bombs

On the tails of the bath bomb craze a few years ago came shower bombs and shower melts.  They’re essentially the same thing.  Little cakes made of baking soda and essential oils that melt when they come in contact with water.

And while the shower version won’t give you any of the moisturizing benefits that you’d get with a bath bomb, it does do something else really amazing.

The steam from the shower carries the scent through the air and will fill your entire bathroom and adjoining rooms.

Whether you’re a morning shower person or an evening shower person you can find a scent you enjoy.  They’re a fantastic little luxury that will help you mimic that spa feeling at home.

You can find them at Lush and on Amazon.  Also, be sure to search some alternative phrases when trying to find them.  Some brands call them shower bombs, while others call them shower melts or shower tablets.

If you want to try your hand at a DIY shower melt, check out this post, “7 Aromatherapy Shower Melts” from helloglow.co.

little luxuries - shower bombs

5. Essential Oil Diffuser/Candles

Along the same lines, essential oil diffusers and scented candles are little luxuries that can really make your home feel nice.  I can’t say that I have a preference between the two.

I like my home to smell nice, so at any given time I may be using a candle, my essential oil diffuser, or one of those plug-in wax warmers.

Below is a video from Miss Liz Heart on YouTube where she offers several options to make your home smell great.  Scent is a powerful part of our experience and it’s used in hotels and stores alike.

Stepping up your home scents is a little luxury that anyone can afford.  You don’t have to buy fancy diffusers or $40 candles.  There are so many inexpensive methods.

I highly recommend checking out the video below.

6. Bar Cart

The first time I saw anyone use a bar cart or bar trolley was while watching Golden Girls.  They didn’t do it often, but every once in awhile Blanche would break out that bar cart in the living room.

I tried desperately to find a screenshot from one of the episodes where you could see it, but unfortunately, I couldn’t find one.

But I digress, the reason a bar trolly or bar cart makes a fantastic little luxury is that they’re completely customizable, chic, and relatively inexpensive.  Most importantly, they give you the opportunity to add a little opulence to your home on a small scale.

Source: Instagram @kierstenicole

BONUS – Barware

I don’t know about you, but I’ve come to realize over the years that what I’m really excited about when I order a drink at a restaurant is the glasses.  Not only that, but the garnishes, and the little umbrellas or whatever accessories they decide to adorn it with.

Frankly, 9 times out of 10, when I order a fancy cocktail while out to dinner, I’ll find it to be too weak.   Then, I’ll think about how I would have saved so much money and been able to make a better version at home myself.

But, without the fancy martini glasses or colorful margarita glasses, it’s just not as fun.

So, consider investing in a small set of nice barware or coffee cups.  Keep it as your entertaining set and use them when you want to make your experience a little extra special.

little luxuries - margarita glasses


In conclusion, if you want to improve your home experience invest in a few little luxuries.  You’ll find yourself feeling less and less like you’re missing out by staying in.  This is because that special feeling of “going out” is available to you all the time.

Thanks for reading and if you found this post helpful share it with a friend and follow Dianne Decor on Bloglovin’.  I can also be found on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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little luxuries for the home

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