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interior trends

Interior Trends for 2022 – What’s In & What’s Out
What Is Rustic Chic Decor?
8 Soothing Bedroom Paint Colors
6 Little Luxuries For The Home

6 Little Luxuries For The Home

Sometimes staying at home can feel great.  Other times you feel like you're missing out.  But, if you invest in your home experience and add a few little luxuries, you'll find yourself wanting to stay home more often.In this post, we'll talk about 6 things you can easily add to ...

2020 Interior Design Trends & Decorating

2020 Interior Design Trends & Decorating

In this post, we'll take a look at the 2020 interior design trends.  Here's what's new, what's old, and what isn't going anywhere. 2020 Interior Design Trends Each year home design and decorating trends make incremental shifts away from what was previously popular.  Simultaneously, we see new concepts (or revitalized old concepts) ...

6 DIY Coffee Station Ideas to Start Your Morning
How To Stay Ahead of Home Decorating Trends
Why Is the Fiddle-Leaf Fig So Popular?

Why Is the Fiddle-Leaf Fig So Popular?

Even if you don't know it by name there's a good chance you've seen a lot of the Fiddle-Leaf Fig (Ficus Lyrata) in recent years.  This infamous house plant has been featured in Instagram and Pinterest-worthy interiors at an alarming rate.  They're so popular in fact that unlikely sources such ...