3 Tips For Cohesive Interior Design

While flipping through the pages of Southern Living and Better Homes and Gardens, I noticed that the homes featured have something in common.  They all have a cohesive interior design scheme.

Each of the rooms, while decorated independently, all flow together nicely.

Even when accent colors are changed from room to room, they all have the feeling of belonging together.

So much so, that if you cut out the pictures from 3 different home interiors and jumbled them up, you could still identify which rooms belong to each home.

So, how were they able to do this?

Beautiful cohesive interior design
Source: stylebyemilyhenderson.com

3 Key Elements for Cohesive Interior Design

Wall Color

The first element is the backdrop.  This would be your walls.

If you want your home to flow seamlessly, consider leaving the walls all one color.  It may seem bland at first, but accent colors can be worked into the room design easily.

A great way to infuse color into a neutral space is with an accent rug or large scale wall art.

Suggested Read: How to Fill Your Blank Walls


The second key element is your base flooring.

Whether you’ve chosen tile, wood, or carpet, keeping your flooring consistent throughout your home is important.

It allows the eye to flow down hallways and through doorways with ease.  Most homes stick to a maximum of two flooring types per level.

For example, you may have all carpet upstairs, with the exception of tile in the bathrooms.  Or, you may have all hardwood downstairs, with the exception of tile in the bathrooms or kitchen.

Window Treatments

Consistent window treatments are the third way to create a cohesive interior design scheme.  Much like the walls and the floors, windows move your eye along the space.

They also, innately draw attention to themselves because they provide a view outside.  What is outside your window is a picture your mind will want to piece together.

Seeing a portion of a tree or a garden from one window will make your eye automatically look to the next window for the next glimpse of that object.  Your brain will use those two pieces of information and fill in the rest to complete the picture.

Similarly, trimming your windows in the fashion helps complete the picture of the inside of the home.

There are, of course, other ways to create a connected feeling between rooms.  However, adopting at least two of the options above will provide the largest impact.

This is because they already present within almost every room of your home.

You don’t need to add anything extra into your home in order to create the repetition.  It is this occurrence of design elements that give the spaces a connected feeling.


That’s all for this post.  I hope you found it helpful.  If you did, please share it with a friend and follow Dianne Decor on Bloglovin’ for more content.

cohesive interior design
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