How to Create a Backyard Oasis

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We all feel the need to escape from our daily routine sometimes.  Creating a beautiful backyard oasis at home is the perfect solution.

More often than not, we try to find an escape outside of our homes.

It’s why we do things like go on vacation or go to the movies: For a week or even just two hours, we can pursue an adventure or simply have relief from the demands of daily living.

But, what if you could have that escape every day?  What if we could create a place of retreat where we could leave the cares (or maybe just the technology) of the world behind?

Many of us already have this within our grasp but aren’t taking advantage of it.  It’s our yard.

You can transform your backyard into the kind of oasis that greets you every day with a calm, restorative energy.

And transforming your backyard doesn’t just benefit you mentally and emotionally.  It can also help you build value in your home.

So, how do you create this oasis?

backyard oasis

3 Tips for Creating a Backyard Oasis

#1 – Capture the Feeling

The most important part of backyard design is the feeling it brings you.  It’s not the grill or the fire pit (although you know I love those), it’s the feeling.

Different elements within an environment combine to create an overall vibe that you either respond well to or not.  In order to capture that feeling, find a place that you feel utterly at peace in the outdoors.

It could be a walking trail, your favorite fishing spot, or even the playground with your kids.

Jot down which elements you see in that space.  Are there tall grasses swaying in the breeze?  Is there a sound of water trickling in the distance?  Are there immaculate flower beds that offer vibrant color?

Is there a stepping stone walkway that makes you want to hopscotch your way down the trail?  Take note of what you see.

Repeat this exercise in a few different spaces.  Then, compare your notes, and identify the common threads.

These are the elements you’ll want to recreate in your backyard.  Certainly, you may need to do it on a smaller scale, but have an idea in mind.

This will give you a great jumping-off point to start designing.

#2 – Low Maintenance

If you’re not a hand in the soil kind of person, the easiest way to ruin your outdoor oasis is to create a high maintenance design.

When you step outside, the last thing you want to see is dying plants and brown patches in your lawn.

Avoid creating a high maintenance design unless pruning, hedging, and trimming are a part of your joy.

Consider xeriscape landscaping to cut down on watering chores and costs.

Opt for structured shrubs and bushes that won’t grow out of control and impede walkways.

#3 – Multi-Functional Spaces

Finally, create multi-functional spaces that you’re more likely to visit frequently.

It’s easy to forget about that herb garden you were trying to grow if you tuck it all the way in the back corner of your yard.  Instead, work it into the action.

A high traffic area like the patio right outside your back door is a great place to grow potted plants.

They’re easily accessible and likely visible from inside your home as well.

Raised planter beds and vertical garden walls are great alternative options for growing things in small or multi-functional spaces.

You don’t have to worry about the kids trampling them when they’re playing catch in the backyard.

And best of all, you don’t have to get down on your hands and knees to tend to them.

Cost Estimating for Backyard Projects

Below is an awesome graphic from Discover that offers a guide for estimating the cost of your backyard project.  It also includes some ideas for backyard features and hardscaping options.

Click to Enlarge Image

How to Make a Private Oasis in Your Own Backyard

I hope you found this post helpful.  If you did, please share it with a friend and follow Dianne Decor on Bloglovin’ for more content.  For more backyard inspiration check out my Pinterest Board.

backyard oasis backyard ideas

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