Your guest's emotional comfort will determine whether or not they're distracted,  chatty, reserved, and whether they feel welcome or a bother.

Emotional Comfort

The easiest way to break the ice with someone new is to offer a compliment.  It can be the way they've styled their hair, a piece of jewelry they're wearing, clothing, shoes, handbag, etc.

1. Compliment

Another easy way to break the ice with a guest is to ask them their opinion on something. Steer away from political and social views. They are emotionally charged and polarizing topics.

2. Casual Chat

Instead, ask their opinion on a purchase you've recently made for your home.   Or for restaurant and movie recommendations.

2. Casual Chat

This will show your guest that you're interested in what they have to say and hold their opinions in high regard. 

2. Casual Chat

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Read the full post  How To Make Someone Feel Comfortable In Your Home