How to Add Color to Your Outdoor Decor Without Flowers

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Flowers are beautiful, fragrant, and colorful.  They’re a great way to liven up your outdoor decor or front porch with a little color.

During the spring and summer flowers, flowering bushes, and trees are in full bloom.  They add a beautiful scenic appeal to your home.

But, what do you do if you don’t have a green thumb?  How do you keep your landscape colorful in the offseason?

In this post, we’ll explore alternative methods for adding color to your yard without flowers or plants.

Flower Alternatives for Colorful Outdoor Decor

Add Planters

Large, brightly colored, or patterned planters are a great way to add color to your yard.  You can fill them with small trees, shrubs, or grasses.

Colorful outdoor decor – Blue Adirondack Chair Planter

Using Rugs for Outdoor Decor

Add color to your deck or patio by laying down an outdoor rug.  This is a great way to bring vibrancy to the exterior of your home.

colorful outdoor decor

Stepping Stones for Your Backyard

Stepping stones and pavers come in a ton of different styles and colors.  Don’t be afraid to step outside of the box and opt for a colorful stepping stone instead of a traditional brick color.

You can also stencil on a colorful pattern to your existing stones to spice up the look.

Colorful outdoor decor – Butterfly Stepping Stones

Garden Decor

There are a lot of different types of garden decor.  From quirky little gnomes to birdhouses, to flamingos to windmills.

Don’t be afraid to add a few different decorations to your hedges or porch.

colorful outdoor decor

Patio Furniture

Sunshades, umbrellas, and other patio furniture can make a big impact.  Umbrellas, sunshades, and furniture can be coordinated or not.

There’s most likely enough greenery around your yard to break up different colored elements.  A nice bright yellow, bold blue or red are great options.

colorful outdoor decor


Do you have any other ideas for how to add color without plants to your yard?  If so, please share them below in the comments.

For examples of colorful outdoor decor check out my Pinterest board.  More content from Dianne Decor find me on Bloglovin’.

colorful outdoor decor ideas

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