Glam It Up! How to Create a Glamorous Dining Room Design

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Okay, let’s be honest. The creation of Instagram has forced (or at least strongly motivated) all of us to step up our game when it comes to home decorating.  Some of the most glamorous looking dining room designs I’ve ever seen have popped up on my Instagram feed.

They sparkle with the most unbelievable chandeliers and the tables look like they’re set for a White House reception.  Yet, surprisingly, this super high glam look is fairly easy to achieve.

If you’re interested in upgrading your dining room design.  Here’s your road map to create a luxurious looking room for you and your guests.

Six Steps to a Glamorous Dining Room Design

For an Instagram worthy dining room make sure you hit these key points.

#1 – Plush Chairs

Hard wooden or plastic chairs have no place in a luxurious dining room.  Opt for a set of plush, high back, upholstered chairs.

Glam Dining Room

#2 – Sparkling Accessories

Choose high shine, reflective accents to adorn your table will help bounce around the lighting in the room.  You don’t want anything too crazy that will create a disco ball type reflection, but items that will glimmer and help illuminate the table, softly.

Glam Dining Room

#3 – Table Setting, Tablescape, & Centerpiece

Here’s where the real work comes into play.  Take your time creating an impeccable tablescape.  I won’t sugar coat it, this may take some time.

Make sure to give yourself ample time to set the table.  If you’re having a dinner party with guests arriving at 6 pm, start setting your table at 4 pm.

The base of your tablescape can be set the night before.  This includes candlesticks, table runners, napkins, chargers, etc.

Anything other than plates, dishes, and drinks.  You don’t want to give them a chance to collect dust.  Opt for fresh flowers over artificial on the day of a dinner party.

Glam Dining Room

#4 – Lighting and Music

Soft, ambient lighting and music is a must-have.  If your overhead lighting is too strong or you do not have a dimmer to control the intensity, consider turning it off altogether.

Instead, turn on lights in adjacent rooms.  Let the cast-off of those lights illuminate the dining room. Then, outfit your table with 2 large candles, 2 medium candles, and one tealight candle near each place setting.

Glam Dining Room

#5 – Dishes

Choose all-white dishes with an embossed design over a painted one.  By selecting white dishes you allow the colorful food you serve to be the star of the show.  White dishes are also the ideal choice in low lighting.

You don’t want to be scratching at a flower design on a plate thinking its food.  Ideally, the lighting won’t be so low that you can’t tell the difference.

But, I prefer to eliminate all potential hiccups before they happen.

Glam Dining Room

#6 – Area Rug

Much like your chairs, a soft rug underfoot with create a luxurious feeling.  It will ensure your guest’s comfort through several courses.

Suggested Read: 20 Awesome Area Rugs Under $50 from Houzz

Glam Dining Room

For more dining room inspiration check out our Pinterest Board.  If you enjoyed this post please share it with a friend and follow us on Bloglovin’ for more content.

glam dining room design ideas

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