5 Home Entertaining Items You Should Be Buying In Bulk
If you have frequent visitors or entertain in your home often; stocking up on home entertaining items is a good idea.
Food and household products are the first things most people think of when buying in bulk. Personally, I almost never buy food in bulk, but I am a firm believer in buying household and cleaning products in bulk.
It just makes good sense to stock up on those things that you know you’re going to use daily. All-purpose cleaner, paper towels, toilet paper, soap, etc.
There are, however, other items that you really should consider buying in bulk.
5 Home Entertaining Items Better Bought In Bulk
Having items on hand saves a ton of time and relieves you from the stress of running around town the day before your event. It also makes spur of the moment hosting a breeze.
Here are five home entertaining items you should be buying in bulk.
1. White Candles
Candles come in all different shapes, sizes, and scents, but the best options for entertaining are white unscented candles.
If you prefer real candles, opt for the ones that come in a jar and are self-contained like the 8″ tall white jar candles they sell at Dollar Tree. You can order them online and save yourself the hassle of running from store to store trying to get enough.
I’ve found that 15 – 20 is a good number to have on hand at the beginning of the year. This will get me through a New Year’s Eve gathering, 4th of July, our Christmas Party, and a few at-home date nights.
The small tealight led candles are another item to stock up on. These are great for small spaces where you want to add a little ambiance, without worrying about setting anything on fire.
They have a great battery life and at 2 for $1, the price can’t be beaten.
2. Paper Products
Having good quality, stylish paper plates, napkins, cups, and straws on hand will save you hours of cleanup after a big party.
Best of all, the new designs that are being released are incredible. If you’re worried about your party looking cheap, don’t. A stylish theme set is sure to impress your guests.
Also, don’t forget to-go containers!
3. Glassware
In my opinion, champagne and wine should always be served in glassware. But, this does not have to be an expensive purchase.
If you don’t have enough on hand or want to go with a special color theme check out Dollar Tree. They have a great selection of clean, simple stemware and cocktail glasses.
They’re only $1, so if a glass gets knocked over at a party it won’t be the end of the world.
Save your wedding china for Thanksgiving or a quiet sit down meal. If people are moving and mingling, opt for an inexpensive glassware option instead.
4. String Tags and Place Cards
These little things are super versatile. You can use them to label foods, as place cards, drink labels, or even to label soap and lotion in the guest bathroom if you’ve decanted your products.
You can get a pack of 200 large string tags with twine on Amazon for only $6.99!
5. Sparkling Mineral Water
Why mineral water? I say, why not? It’s a nice change of pace from the run of the mill 16 oz case of water everyone has in their home.
Plus, if you get a case of Perrier or San Pellegrino they’ll come in nice glass bottles (optional) that will help elevate a typically mundane beverage.
What home entertaining items do you like to have on hand? Please comment below with your suggestions.
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